Windward Insider Blog

Cloud ERP Systems Provide Enhanced Security For Your Business

Small and medium businesses often trail behind large organizations to protect themselves and their systems against Cyber-Criminal activities.  Most small business owners may not realize their value to attackers.  Cloud computing offers a robust security solution for an SMB budget.

The Day After World Backup Day: Why Everyday Should Be Backup Day

Yesterday, we marked World Backup Day, an annual reminder to individuals and businesses about the critical importance of backing up data. But while dedicating one day to raising awareness is beneficial, the harsh reality is that data threats do not operate on a schedule. Cyberattacks, system failures, and unforeseen disasters can strike at any moment, which means that...

GRAND OPENING: Windward's New Showroom at Lightovation

Windward Software has a new location at the Lightovation show in the Dallas Market Center this January.  We are pleased to announce the GRAND OPENING of our new Showroom TM-4931. Check out the grand opening timeline and more.

Why Should Your Small Business Migrate to a Cloud ERP Solution?

Chances are you already rely on cloud computing to solve the challenges faced by running your business, whether you're firing off e-mails on the move or using a bunch of apps to help you manage your workload.

Cloud is fast becoming the new normal.

The Harsh Realities of Running Unsupported Software

Running unsupported software can be a tricky proposition, and it's something that many people do without fully understanding the risks involved. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at what unsupported software is, why people might be tempted to run it, and what you can do to protect yourself.

What's the Deal with Dark Mode?

You may have noticed that many software applications, social media platforms, and even smartphones are offering a dark mode option. So, what is it about this feature that is garnering so much attention? Whether you're a business owner, manager, bookkeeper, or an everyday tech user, this blog post will delve into the reasons for the popularity of dark mode. We should also...

How Lighting Showroom Software Can Illuminate Your Business

Lighting store software helps you keep track of more than just your fixtures and bulbs.

Whether it’s that collection of classic Tiffany table lamps or those sleek, modern "rustic" pendants, your lighting store showroom likely carries enough products that it could be seen from space.... 

Pass the Word on Password Security

Passwords are your first line of defense to protect your personal and business information. Using a common or very simple one is almost the same as leaving the door of your house wide open. That's just not good security!
Let's take some time to look at how to make a Strong Password.

Discover the Ultimate QuickBooks POS Replacement: Windward System Five

Are you on the search for a QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale replacement? Look no further! Windward System Five is integrated business management software that checks all the boxes to help you run your business. From POS and Inventory Control to CRM, E-commerce, and Accounting, Windward System Five Business Management Software has what you need to run your shop.

How To Avoid Analysis Paralysis When Selecting Business Software

Analysis paralysis, also known as decision paralysis or simply indecision, can be a common problem when faced with a large number of options and a need to make a decision. Here are some steps you can take to overcome analysis paralysis when selecting business management software:

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